
Vagabond Writers

Offering insights, tips and ideas for life and work on the open road
Connecting clients and freelancers from across the world
Opening minds and expanding horizons


How to Protect the Environment and Still See the World

How to Protect the Environment and Still See the World

Yes, you can travel and protect the environment. It's just a matter of aiming your efforts correctly. Here are some practical suggestions you can start today, as well as tips and tricks to maximize your impact.
‘Digital Nomad’ isn’t a job description (and how to find that job)

‘Digital Nomad’ isn’t a job description (and how to find that job)

you can call it many things – a lifestyle, a rebellion or even a movement – but being a digital nomad is not a job. That part of it is entirely separate. We get going by finding jobs online. So why do people think it's a job description? And how can you get that job?

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Want to find out more about Jelte ten Holt, the traveling writer behind this site?
